Finance Writer
|Read time: 8 mins
While we love our pets, we don’t always love everything they bring home - especially fleas and ticks. Keep your house free from unwanted invaders. Learn how to spot them, treat them, and prevent them from coming back.
What are fleas and ticks?
Fleas and ticks can cling to dogs and cats, but they don’t look or act the same (even if they’re both a nuisance). If you find either, you should treat them differently.
A flea is an insect rarely found alone, it’s tiny and flightless and jumps to get around. They can be tricky to spot as they’re usually between 2-3mm in size and can vary in colour from grey, brown or black. This means they can easily be mistaken for a speck of dirt.
Fleas multiply quickly, and in the right conditions, a single flea can lay between 30-50 eggs a day. These eggs can hatch in as little as seven days, so rapid treatment is essential.
Ticks are arachnids (like spiders) and can be easier to spot than fleas as they tend to be larger, growing up to 1cm in size. Unlike fleas, they don’t hang out in groups. Instead of leaping onto their host from a distance, they tend to latch on when a human or animal brushes past them.
Ticks can be brown, dark red or black in colour and have eight legs. After feeding, ticks can swell in size (starting at the size of a sesame seed and growing to the size of a coffee bean). So if you see something on your pet that looks like a tick but larger, it’s worth treating it like you would a tick, just in case.
How to remove fleas and ticks
Warning: Tick and flea treatments for dogs and cats are not always interchangeable. Some treatments for dogs include permethrin, an insecticide that is toxic to cats. If you want to protect multiple pets, you should buy separate tick and flea prevention for cats and dogs.
For detailed advice about treating fleas and ticks, refer to your vet for further information.
How to spot fleas and ticks
Learning how to spot fleas and ticks can help you protect your pet and keep them healthy. To help you find unwanted visitors on your cat or dog it’s important to check your pet regularly. Pay extra attention after coming home from a walk in any grassy or wooded areas.
By regularly grooming their fur you can prevent matts from forming. Tangled fur can hide unwanted critters and regular grooming can give you a closer look at what’s going on.
Gently running your hands over your pet's body is an easy way to feel for any bumps that may indicate a tick bite. This can also help you build a bond with your pet by giving them the extra attention they deserve.
Flea prevention for dogs and cats
Tick prevention for dogs and cats
Protect yourself and your home from fleas and ticks
When protecting your cats and dogs from fleas and ticks, it's important to think about yourself and your home too!
While fleas don’t tend to live on humans, they do bite, and they can survive happily in your home. Ticks don’t survive well without a host, but if left undisturbed, they can live on humans for several days.
Check before you travel
If you’re taking your pet abroad, you might want to check the current flea and tick risk of the country you are visiting. Fleas and ticks in other countries can carry diseases that are less common or not yet present in the UK. This can make treating them more difficult.
You can protect your pet while you're away by keeping their flea and tick treatment is up to date before you leave. This can reduce the risk and your need to worry!
Learn more about flea and tick-related diseases that can be picked up abroad, with the Animal Welfare Foundation’s leaflet (PDF).
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John Lewis Pet Insurance is underwritten by Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Ltd (No: 93792). Registered in England and Wales at St. Mark's Court, Chart Way, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1XL. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority (Financial Services Register No: 202323).